Puppy Wellness Care
Congratulations on your new puppy!
The first wellness exam is a critical step in establishing the health of your puppy, so it is important to schedule an exam with us as soon as possible. Premature and young puppies are prone to medical issues early on as their immune system is not fully developed, and may be more susceptible to illness. Puppies that have not had adequate medical care prior to adoption or acquisition may have pre-existing conditions that need to be addressed. Timberline’s comprehensive puppy exam will ensure your new companion gets off to a healthy start.

Your Puppy’s First Visit
We ask that you bring the health information provided to you by the seller or shelter on your first visit with us, which should include a previous history of vaccines and deworming, as well as a fresh stool sample. Please bring your puppy on a leash or dog carrier. We will address any questions you have concerning care for your puppy, such as diet and nutrition, behavioral issues, house training, integrating them into your home.
Your puppy’s first exam will include:
- A physical examination
- Heartworm prevention
- Intestinal parasite (worm) screening and deworming, if necessary
- External parasite (flea/tick) screening and parasite protection
- Vaccines based on your puppy’s age and lifestyle
- Behavior and training recommendations
- Nutritional counseling
At Timberline Animal Hospital, we follow the latest canine vaccine guidelines set out by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). We will work with you to develop a vaccination program tailored specifically for your puppy. There are many diseases that are preventable through the prudent use of vaccines, so it is important to vaccinate your puppy against the diseases to which they may be exposed. The core vaccine for all dogs is the DAPP vaccine, which protects against two major deadly viral diseases, canine parvovirus and distemper virus. The northern Nevada region is endemic for canine parvovirus and parvo infections are common in puppies throughout the year. The DAPP vaccine series typically is started at 8 weeks of age and boostered every 3 to 4 weeks until at least 18-20 weeks of age. We also vaccinate puppies against Bordetella (one of the major causes of “kennel cough”). The Rabies vaccine is given as a single booster usually at the last puppy visit. Rabies vaccination is required by state law in Nevada and proof of vaccination is needed to register your dog in Carson City.
Surgical sterilization (spay/neuter)
Surgical sterilization provides many benefits for dogs and their owners. It reduces marking behavior, reduces aggression, eliminates the possibility of unintended pregnancy, and reduces the incidence of certain types of cancers. Spay (ovariohysterectomy) and neuter (castration) surgeries in dogs are typically performed at 6 months of age (prior to the first heat cycle in female dogs).
Dental Care
During your puppy’s wellness visit, we will discuss at-home dental care with you and show you how to gradually start brushing your puppy’s teeth. Over time they will get used to teeth brushing and even look forward to having their teeth brushed at home on a regular basis.
Symptoms Requiring Immediate Medical Attention
Please be alert to the following symptoms, which may be signs that your puppy needs immediate care:
- Respiratory problems such as persistent coughing, shortness of breath, labored breathing, or excessively rapid or slow breathing
- Signs of pain including panting, labored breathing, increased body temperature, lethargy, hiding, restlessness, loss of appetite, reacting aggressively when touched or approached, crying
- Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
- A wound or laceration that’s open and bleeding
- Animal bites
- Allergic reactions or swelling around the face, hives, or severe itching
- An eye injury
- Seizure, fainting
- Collapse, difficulty standing
- Blank stare, disorientation
- Exposure to extreme cold or heat, even if the dog seems to have recovered
- Trauma such as getting hit by a vehicle or falling
- Suspected poisoning or ingestion of a foreign substance
Please contact us immediately if your puppy is experiencing any of these symptoms.