Veterinary Surgical Services
Spay, Neuter, and General Surgery for Pets
Timberline Animal Hospital provides general surgical procedures to treat conditions related to the skin, eyes, ears, nose, throat, chest, abdomen, and organs. We perform:
- Spay/neuter surgery
- Dental surgery
- Soft tissue surgery
- Emergency surgery
- Abdominal surgery including gastrointestinal foreign body removal, splenectomy, prophylactic gastropexy, cystotomy

We also perform the removal of lumps or growths. If you discover any abnormalities, such as a lump or growth on your pet’s body, we advise you to schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible. Early detection can have a significant impact on your pet’s diagnosis.
If we determine that surgery is necessary for your pet, we will perform a series of blood tests to determine if your pet is a good candidate for anesthesia and to verify that the kidney, heart, and liver are functioning properly. We will have a certified veterinary technician monitor your pet’s vitals before, during, and after surgery to make sure your dog or cat is safe during the entire process.
What to Expect Before Surgery
Each patient is carefully screened prior to any operation to make ensure they are healthy enough for surgery. We use simple blood tests to determine the specific pain management technique that is right for your pet, and to confirm that it is safe to administer anesthesia. These tests will also help us determine whether your dog or cat has any pre-existing conditions that could impact the surgery, or will need to be addressed following the procedure.
What to Expect During Surgery
At Timberline Animal Hospital, your pet’s physical and emotional well-being is our top priority. We make sure that your pet is safe and as comfortable as possible throughout the entire procedure. Your pet will be carefully monitored by a certified trained technician at all times. Our technician will monitor your pet’s blood pressure, heart rate, rhythm, and blood oxygen levels; an IV catheter, fluid administration, pulse oximetry monitors, cardiac, and body temperature monitors are also used to monitor your pet’s vital signs and keep them safe during the entire process.
Pain Management & Post-Surgery
Pain management is a vital part of our surgical protocol, and we believe in maximizing the comfort level of your pet at all times. We administer pain medication before, during, and after the surgery as required for your pet. Here at Timberline Animal Hospital, we use a multi-modal approach to pain management. A multi-modal approach is the layered administration of small amounts of various drugs to minimize any pain that your pet might feel over the course of the procedure. Because we administer lower doses of each individual drug, your pet will experience fewer adverse side effects, more complete pain relief, and have a faster recovery.
Please call us for more information about our surgical procedures or if you would like to schedule an appointment.