Our Clients Frequently Asked Questions
To make an appointment please call us at 775-882-1686 to set up a time that is convenient with your schedule. If you need to cancel your appointment or change the date or time of your appointment, please contact our staff as soon as possible. Timberline Animal Hospital also offers same day appointments for sick patients and emergencies during our office hours.

Our hours of operation are as follows:
Monday-Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed for lunch from 11:30AM – 1:30PM
Emergency Services
If your pet is experiencing an emergency after hours, please contact the following emergency clinic in our area:
Animal Emergency Center
6425 S. Virginia St.
Reno, NV
Prescription Policy
Our in house pharmacy is fully stocked with prescription medications for your pet. We can help you with selecting the best medication, choosing the proper dosage, and information on side effects or other drug interactions. If you have any concerns or your pet experiences adverse reactions, contact us immediately and our trained staff can assist you.
Payment is required at the time the services are performed. For your convenience, we accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and CareCredit.
How do I know if my pet is in pain?
If you suspect your dog or cat may be in pain or is showing signs of an illness or injury, call us to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians. Signs of pain can be obvious, such as limping, but some signs are more subtle and can include: not eating, a change in behavior or normal habits, fatigue and having less energy. Of course, these symptoms can also be caused by a variety of problems, so early observation and action is important.
When is the best time to spay or neuter my pet?
The best time to spay or neuter your dog or cat is approximately 5-6 months of age. However, the procedure can be done at most ages.
Vaccines are an important part of your dog or cat’s overall health and keep your pet healthy by preventing serious diseases. Our veterinarians will provide tailored vaccinations for your dog or cat during their annual wellness exam.
Dog Vaccines
- Rabies Vaccine: Rabies is transmitted through by bites from wild animals, particularly skunks, raccoons, possums, bats, and foxes. This disease can be transmitted to humans through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. Puppies and kittens will first receive this vaccination at 12 weeks of age, and then they will be revaccinated every 1-3 years as required by law.
- DAPP Vaccine: This is a “4-way” canine vaccine that vaccinates against canine distemper, adenovirus type 2, parainfluenza, and parvovirus. Distemper and parvovirus are often times fatal, especially in puppies and is why it is boostered multiple times. Puppies can be vaccinated as early as 6 weeks and are boostered every 3 weeks until 16 weeks of age. Adult dogs are then revaccinated every 3 years.
- Leptospirosis Vaccine: Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease. It is spread by wildlife (raccoons, skunks, opossums, squirrels, rats) and domestic animals. It can be passed to people. Canine leptospirosis has risen dramatically in recent years. Infected animals shed the bacteria in the urine. To prevent Leptospirosis in your dog, discourage your pet from drinking standing water and vaccinate yearly.
- Bordetella Vaccine: Also known as kennel cough. We recommend the oral vaccine when a patient will be boarding, grooming, or in any situation where they will come into contact with other pets (dog care, obedience, park, etc.).
Cat Vaccines
- Rabies Vaccine: (See Above)
- FVRCP Vaccine: This is a “4-way” feline vaccine that vaccinates against feline distemper (aka panleukopenia), rhinotrachetitis, and calici. Kittens can be vaccinated as early as 6 weeks and are boostered every 3 weeks until 16 weeks of age. Adult cats are then revaccinated every 3 years.
- Feline Leukemia Vaccine: Feline Leukemia Vaccine is recommended for kittens and cats that are of high risk such as indoor/outdoor cats.
What is kennel cough?
Kennel cough is a complex condition that is both viral and bacterial in nature. It is easily transmitted through the air, and affects the respiratory system. Dogs that are kept in confined spaces with infected dogs are the most susceptible to contracting kennel cough. The best way to reduce the severity of respiratory disease is with frequent vaccination. There are several types of vaccinations available to treat kennel cough.
When does my pet need blood work?
We recommend annual blood work to detect infections and diseases, allowing us to detect disease early on. In many situations, early detection is essential for more effective treatment. The type of blood work will be determined specifically for each pet depending on their individual needs. This annual blood test is convenient to do at the time of your pet’s annual heartworm test, but can be done at any time of year.
How many months should my pet be on heartworm prevention medication?
Heartworm disease is a serious disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes and can be fatal if left untreated. We recommend all pets be given year round heartworm prevention, regardless of lifestyle. A simple blood test is needed to check your pet for heartworm disease on an annual basis.
Heartworm prevention is administered once a month either by pill or by topical application. Depending on the specific product you and your veterinarian select for your pet, heartworm prevention medication can prevent other parasite infestations including internal parasites (intestinal parasites) and external parasites (fleas and ticks).
Why does my dog need a blood test before purchasing heartworm prevention?
Dogs can get sick (vomiting, diarrhea, and/or death) if placed on heartworm prevention when they have a severe heartworm disease. Even if they have been on heartworm prevention year round there is always the possibility that the product may have failed for various reasons (your pet spit out the pill, did not absorb the pill appropriately, topical medicine was not applied properly, did not administer medication on time, etc.) and the earlier we can treat your pet for heartworm disease, the better the prognosis. Some companies will guarantee their product providing that you use the heartworm prevention year round and are performing yearly heartworm test.
When starting heartworm prevention, or if your pet has not been on heartworm prevention year round, it is important that you perform an initial heartworm test and an additional heartworm test 6-7 months after starting the prevention to fully rule out the prior infection. During the early stages of development, some larvae are not detectable by the test. It may take a full 6-7 months before they can be detected, which is why we need to repeat the testing later after starting preventative measures.
Doesn’t the fecal sample test for heartworms?
No. Heartworm disease is a blood-borne disease that is transmitted through mosquitoes. A simple blood test will confirm whether or not your dog has heartworm disease.
Why does my pet need a dental cleaning and how often should this be done?
We believe an annual professional dental exam, tooth scaling, and polishing are necessary to treat and maintain your dog and cat’s healthy teeth and gums. Your dog or cat’s health needs will change as they grow older, and advanced dental care may be required. Your pet’s teeth and mouth should be examined by our veterinarians on a regular basis.
Do I need to brush my pet’s teeth at home?
Yes. Regular dental care at-home is highly recommended to help maintain the oral health of your dog and cat. It’s best to begin your pet’s at-home dental care when they’re still young, even before their adult teeth come in. Although brushing is the best method of preventing plaque, calculus, and bacterial build-up, there are many options for dental care at home. Other oral home care options such as dental formulated foods, water additives, and dental treats should be considered.
Are there any special at-home care instructions for my dog or cat before undergoing surgery?
Please do not feed your pet after 12AM the evening before a scheduled procedure. There is no restriction on drinking water. We strongly suggest that you arrive early to allow enough time for check-in procedures.
Why does my pet need to be admitted several hours before a surgical procedure?
In preparation for the procedure, your pet will receive:
- A pre-anesthetic exam
- Pre-anesthetic blood work (if necessary)
- Medication to easy anxiety and to smooth induction of anesthesia
- Placement of an intravenous catheter to deliver medications and fluids that support blood pressure and organ function during anesthesia
In addition to the above, it gives your pet a chance to adjust to our hospital’s environment which makes the situation less stressful.
Each of these steps must be completed before your pet’s scheduled procedure time.
Is anesthesia safe for my pet?
At Timberline Animal Hospital, we take all anesthetic cases very seriously. We utilize the safest, multi-modal approach that is individually created for each dog or cat. It includes injectable medications for sedation and pain management as well as gas anesthetic agents. The combination of pre-anesthetic assessment of your pet (including blood work), use of modern anesthetic agents, and the latest anesthetic monitoring equipment means that anesthesia is generally considered to be a very low risk for your pet.
Our highly trained staff will closely monitor your pet during the entire procedure (including recovery) using advanced monitoring equipment. Parameters often monitored include oxygen concentration in the blood stream (pulse oximetry), electrocardiogram (EKG), core body temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure and carbon dioxide level.
When we place your pet safely under general anesthesia, a breathing tube is inserted into the trachea (windpipe) to administer oxygen mixed with the anesthetic gas. As with people, an intravenous catheter is placed into your pet’s arm or leg to infuse with fluids during the procedure. Once the procedure is completed and the anesthetic is turned off, oxygen is continued to be delivered to your pet until they wake up and the tube is removed.
What is a multi-modal approach to anesthesia?
A multi-modal approach refers to the layered administration of small amounts of different medications to achieve the desired levels of anesthesia and pain management. We administer lower doses of each individual anesthetic which generally equates to, fewer side effects, complete pain relief and faster post-operative recovery.
How will you manage my pet’s pain during surgery?
We believe in performing surgery with advanced pain management techniques because we want to maximize the comfort of your pet during and after his/her procedure. Comfort control improves your dog or cat’s recovery and speeds the healing process. We administer pain medication before beginning the procedure, during and post-operatively as needed by your pet.
My pet is older, is anesthesia safe?
Anesthesia is considered to be safe for older pets that are otherwise healthy. It is important to have recommended pre-operative testing performed prior to anesthesia to check the status of major organ function and allow us to tailor the anesthesia to any pre-existing medical conditions.
My pet has kidney and heart disease, is anesthesia safe?
Prior to anesthesia, patients with kidney disease should be fully evaluated with blood tests, urinalysis, and possibly an ultrasound. Cardiology patients should also be evaluated with blood tests and an ultrasound of the heart through an ECG (echocardiogram).
When my pet is having surgery, when should I expect an update on my pet?
At your request, you will receive a phone call once your pet has entered recovery. If there are any abnormalities during the pre-anesthetic exam or blood work, you will receive a call prior to the procedure in the event that we need to change plans. Remember that no news is good news, and you will be contacted immediately should the need arise.
After surgery, when will my pet be able to go home?
Please schedule additional time to meet with the doctor when picking up your pet after surgery. This will allow our staff to review discharge instructions tailored specifically to pet and the procedure. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have to ensure proper recovery for your pet. Your doctor will provide you with a written set of discharge instructions for you to follow at home.